

A few of our clients… 

Clients (in alphabetical order)

Cal West High Tensile Fence (print work)

ClarkVolunteers.com (no longer active – closed 2006)
Grassroots volunteer content management site supporting General Wesley K. Clark’s political activities
(not affiliated with his PAC)

Cypress Coast Fence (print work)

DeadMessengers.com (Currently inactive – may be temporary)

Del Monte Building Services

Evil E.org
Evil-E was the blog for a marvelous group of award winning mystery writers, begun by Elaine Flinn. The site is still up, but
stopped being utilized following the passing of Elaine, on October 25th, 2008. She is missed dearly!

Focused Solutions Consulting, LLC

Hans Watford – Mystery & Suspense writer

Mitch Dworkin – political blogger

Peninsula Building Services (print work)

WesPac State Volunteer websites (example: Colorado State site) – state sites closed 5/08
These were official state websites for WesPAC volunteers.

 Posted by at 3:11 am